Monument to Prince Lazar
Monument to Prince Lazar, the founder of Krusevac, is placed in the eastern part of the Archaeological Park “Prince Lazar’s Town". It was unveiled on June 27, 1971 on the occasion of the celebration of the six centuries of Krusevac existence. Nebojsa Mitric, an author and a sculptor from Belgrade, found an inspiration for the statue of Lazar in a usual posture of Serbia medieval rulers on coins: a sitting posture with a sword on their laps. The face of Prince Lazar was done by fresco of the Ravanica Monastery founder. Architectonic characteristics of Prince Lazar were represented by the contours of medieval town lying on the left shoulder of the statue, and by outlines of Lazarica underneath the right arm that were easily visible. Ornaments on a gown were inspired by the ones on a Lazar’s costume whose replica is exhibited in Krusevac.
Kruševac je počeo da gradi knez Lazar 1371. godine od šarenog rečnog kamena – krušca, po kome se smatra da je grad dobio ime.