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“Mother Serbia and Mother Greece” Sculpture

Twinning of Krusevac and Corfu in 1985,whic is especially related to traditional friendship between Serbia and Greece after the First World War, was symbolically and artistically materialized through the “Mother Serbia and Mother Greece" Sculpture. The author is a famous painter Milic of Macva, and it was the only sculpture he had ever done. Two mother figures were carved in a monolith of Vancac marble, representing a friendship of two nations during the times when after the Albanian Golgotha, Greece helped out exhausted Serbia and offered sanctuary for its army located in Corfu. The sculpture was uncovered at Rasinski trg (Rasina Square) or at Kosturnica, as the square was called (after the underground crypt with posthumous remains of 40 Rasina’s partisans that were relocated to a Partisan Moun at Slobodiste after the establishment of this complex in 1965).

Jedina skulptura Milića od Mačve koja je obeležila prijateljstvo srpskog i grčkog grada

“Mother Serbia and Mother Greece” Sculpture

Trg kosturnica 60, Крушевац, Србија